Study in Malaysia
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Study abroad at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) is a leading innovation-driven entrepreneurial research university in engineering science and technology. It is located both in Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia and Johor Bahru, the southern city in Iskandar Malaysia, which is a vibrant economic corridor in the south of Peninsular Malaysia. Since becoming a research university, UTM is committed to become a graduate-focused university with more innovative research-based postgraduate programmes offered and more attractive and varied modes of PhD programmes implemented such as PhD by Publication, Industry-based Doctoral Degrees, PhD by Fast Track and Double/Dual Doctoral Degrees. This not only provides flexibility in postgraduate study approaches, but at the same time contributes to increased publications and citations, while enhancing technological development and value-driven economy. Through a strategic transformation of its organisational structure, UTM is focused on creating a vibrant knowledge culture and fertile intellectual ecosystem that inspire creativity, innovation and entrepreneurial mindsets. This is also in tandem with the transformation plan of the Ministry of Higher Education to turn Malaysia into an educational hub renowned for high quality educational standards and research excellence in strategic key areas of knowledge and specialised disciplines as well as multi-disciplinary fields.
Section of Corporate Affairs, Sultan Ibrahim Chancellery Building, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia.
Semester 1 (October – February),
Semester 2 (March – July)
Engineering, Environmental Management & Science
Language Requirements
No specific requirements
Programme Information
Accommodation & Facilities
For more information on accommodation, visit here.,
For more information on the university’s facilities:
Bank/ATM, Canteen/Cafe, Computer Lab, Counseling Services, Library, Gym, Laboratories, Medical/Health Centre, Religious Facilities, Shuttle Buses/In-Campus Transport, Sports Complex / Equin Park
Contact Person
Ms. Zetty Raihan M.Y
Manager (Mobility)
Tel: +607 553 6862