Study in Indonesia
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology
Study abroad at Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology or Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) provides advantages for both excellent scientific activities and pleasant natural life environment. Covering an area in the vicinity of east Surabaya, ITS has a very friendly atmosphere and enormous community spirit. The institute has long been maintaining its reputation for innovative and proactive relationship with industries and the public services. Various works of scientific and social significance produced by ITS students, graduates, and faculty members have been dedicated to the community and industrial world to help them gain the most of economic and social benefits. This tradition of mutual trust and cooperation has been carried out to meet the institution’s vision of social dedication and work. Recognized as one of the best technology universities in Indonesia, ITS offers great and challenging career prospects to its graduates. Many of our graduates are occupying top position in businesses, as well as public organizations. Joining ITS means ensuring your head start in today’s competitive job market.
Semester 1 (February – May),
Semester 2 (August – December)
Engineering, Marine Science
Language Requirements
No specific requirements
Programme Information
Accommodation & Facilities
For more information on accommodation, visit here.
For more information on the university’s facilities, visit here.
Contact Person
Dr. Astria Nur Irfansyah
Senior Manager for International Partnership
Tel: +62 811 3405 681
Mr. Muh. Wahyu Islami PM, S.T. M.Hub.Int.
CommTECH & Mobility Program Manager
Tel: +62 31 5923411