AIMS Members
Last updated November 2024.
The Members of the AIMS Programme comprise Member Countries, their governments and nominated universities. Currently, the Programme has a total of 90 participating universities across 10 Member Countries, creating a diverse regional network for student mobility and broader academic collaboration.

Member Countries
Member Countries are represented by their respective governments and lead national implementation of the AIMS Programme. The list below provides the ministerial bodies responsible for higher education in each Member Country that oversees the planning, execution and evaluation of the Programme. The Member Countries are also the Signing Parties of the Letter of Intent of the AIMS Programme.
Brunei Darussalam
Higher Education Division, Ministry of Education
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport
Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology
Higher Education Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Higher Education
Commission on Higher Education
Republic of Korea
International Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Education
Higher Education Group, Ministry of Education
Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation
Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Training
There are currently 90 universities participating in the AIMS Programme. All participating universities are nominated by their respective national government to participate in the Programme under selected disciplines. Through close coordination with national governments, AIMS universities support the management of student mobility at the institutional level. For an overview of the participating universities by Member Country, click here.