The 17th Annual Review Meeting of the
Asian International Mobility for Students (AIMS) Programme
8-9 November 2023
Tagaytay City, Philippines
The AIMS Family gathered on 8-9 November 2023 for the 17th Annual Review Meeting of the Asian International Mobility Students (AIMS) Programme, Tagaytay, Philippines.
The Meeting was graciously hosted by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Philippines, and co-organised by Lyceum University of the Philippines, Batangas, and SEAMEO RIHED as the Secretariat of AIMS.
With over 150 representatives from the governments, universities and alumni from the AIMS Member Countries, the 17th Annual Review Meeting provided a venue to learn the updates on the AIMS Programme and exchange good practices and viewpoints to enhance student mobility and learning in the region through higher education harmonisation and internationalization processes.
Highlights from the 17th Annual Review Meeting:
- Official Opening of the 17th Annual Review Meeting
- Official Welcome of the Kingdom of Cambodia to AIMS
- Programme Overview and Updates
- Presentation of AIMS Research: Impacts and Way Forward for AIMS
- Parallel session for government representatives, faculty and IROs
- Visit to LPU Cavite
- Alumni Talk
- AIMS Member Countries Roundtable Discussion
- Announcement of the venue of the 18th Annual Review Meeting

Official Opening of the 17th Annual Review Meeting

Dr. Peter P. Laurel, President of Lyceum of the Philippines University Batangas, encouraged participants to share expertise and valuable insights through the pursuit of knowledge, promotion of cultural exchange and advancement of global understanding for a more connected future.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Romyen Kosaikanont, Centre Director, SEAMEO RIHED, highlighted the uniqueness of the AIMS Programme which can help expedite policy changes to aid mobility programmes and harmonisation.
Prof. J. Prospero E. de Vera, III, DPA, Chairperson of the Commission on Higher Education, Philippines, emphasised flexibility and the use of digital technologies to enhance learning and supporting the development of leaders in the globalised world.
Official Welcome of the Kingdom of Cambodia to AIMS

An important highlight of the event was the Official Welcome of the Kingdom of Cambodia as the 10th member to AIMS, with the Signing of the Addendum to the Letter of Intent. This certifies the commitment of Cambodia to support the objectives of the AIMS Programme.
His Excellency Mr. Mak Ngoy, Director General, Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Cambodia stated “Let us build our region in peace and sustainability […] I believe that when we are one, we are strong.”
With the 5 leading universities joining AIMS: Royal University of Phnom Penh, Royal University of Agriculture, Royal University of Law and Economics, National University of Management, and Institute of Technology Cambodia, the AIMS network has expanded to 87 member universities.
Programme Overview and Updates
SEAMEO RIHED provided the Programme Overview and Updates which included recent developments, AIMS resources, and the latest student mobility data for 2023. A total of 372 students participated in AIMS in 2023 for all modes of mobility, with the majority going on physical mobility. Since the inception of AIMS, there are more than 7,000 AIMS alumni who went on AIMS mobility.
AIMS Research, Regional Orientation, and AIMS University Social Responsibility thrusts were supported by the working groups, task force, and committees, whose members were nominated by the government representatives.
The AIMS Regional Orientation is held 2 times a year to introduce new AIMS students to the programme and network among their peers. Universities are encouraged to communicate to students and alumni about the AIMS Regional Orientation, and to join the AIMS Alumni Network.
The AIMS Alumni Network was also officially launched at this Review Meeting. This network will serve as a platform for AIMS awardees to continue enriching themselves in internationalisation and contribute back to society after their AIMS Mobility.
To explore innovative learning, the SEA-Europe Mobility Programme for Sustainable Development was proposed to be co-designed and developed between regions. Studies on micro-credentials, being carried out by SEAMEO RIHED with the support from UNESCO Bangkok, can facilitate innovative learning collaboration in the region.
Presentation of AIMS Research: Impacts and Way Forward for AIMS

The AIMS Research Team, led by Sophia University from Japan and the Malaysian Technical Research Team, presented the findings of Impacts and Way Forward of AIMS. Research showed that AIMS helped member universities with their internationalisation and harmonization processes and students to develop their skills and competencies and their sense of belonging in the region. The Way Forward for AIMS suggested a more flexible and multi-disciplinary approach, knowledge sharing, and funding and infrastructure for students to facilitate mobility.
The participants expressed interest in supporting the AIMS students’ learning of both soft and hard skills through various modes, and recognition for their entering the workforce afterwards.
Parallel session for government representatives, faculty and IROs

During the parallel session, participants collaborated and exchanged ideas in groups on how to advance students’ learning and support internationalization goals through AIMS.
The faculty groups addressed the kinds of skills and competencies students need to live sustainably with the growing complexity of the world, presented some programmes and activities that AIMS can do to support transforming higher education, including flexible learning and engagement with the alumni in the activities, shared ideas for more collaboration and identified alternative funding sources.
Next up were the IRO groups that shared how AIMS support universities’ internationalization goals and good practices of internationalization at home, including cultural awareness events, facilitating interactions with local communities, buddy systems, and alumni engagement.
Lastly, the government group shared AIMS scholarship management practices among each other, ranging from policies to financing and communication, AIMS processes and quality assurance, incentives and recognition for students and alumni activities, and alumni tracer. The group also agreed preliminarily on the targets of 500 students per year and by 2030, at least 10,000 students are being mobilised in AIMS since its inception.
Visit to LPU Cavite

On the 2nd day, participants visited Lyceum of the Philippines University Cavite, and learned about the development of the university and the strength in hospitality and tourism.
Dr. Maria Teresa Pilapil, Vice President for Administration of LPU Cavite, welcomed the delegates and shared that AIMS has made a significant impact for students to be culturally and regionally aware.
Alumni Talk

AIMS Alumni shared how they have enhanced their understanding, skills and competencies as regional and global citizens and build their connections through AIMS. They also suggested improvements such as more orientation for students, connection with students and alumni at AIMS meetings and activities and exploring alumni activities to give back to the community.
AIMS Member Countries Roundtable Discussion

Government representatives exchanged information about their internationalization goals, how AIMS contribute to the internationalization goals of their countries and the region, and discussed what AIMS can do together to strengthen internationalization in the region.
Announcement of the venue of the 18th Annual Review Meeting

The 18th Annual Review Meeting 2024 will be on 7-8 August 2024 in Hiroshima, Japan, hosted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) Japan and Hiroshima University. Member countries were also encouraged to invite students to join the student seminar on “AIMS Hiroshima Future Building Student Seminar”.
Welcome Dinner, Cultural Night, and Networking

Participants enjoyed the Welcome Dinner with local delicacies of the Philippine cuisine, performances by Lahing Batangan Dance Troupe, raffles, photo station, and joined in the festive parade of national costumes.
Several sections of this article have been enriched by Ms. Niña Mariel A. Arandia, Publication Assistant, Strategic Communications, Linkages and International Affairs, Lyceum of the Philippines University-Batangas.
SEAMEO RIHED extends heartfelt gratitude to the Commission for Higher Education Philippines and the Lyceum of the Philippines University Batangas for their warm hospitality and invaluable support in organizing the 17th Annual Review Meeting of the AIMS Programme. Maraming salamat po!